In September 2011, Mimouna Association in partnership with the organization KIVUNIM held a conference commemorating the actions of His Majesty the Late King Mohammed V who refused to consent to the persecution of Moroccans Jews during the occupation of Vichy. The conference was recognized by the New York Times as ‘’ the first of its kind in an Arab or Muslim country and is a sign of the triumph of the true history against conspiracy theories and the anti-Semite dogma ‘’.
This conference is part of a larger program initiated by Mimouna Association to promote the education of the Holocaust in Morocco and the recognition of the Arabs who saved Jews in North Africa. In May 2014, Mimouna joined to the United Nations Program «Holocaust and the United Nations Outreach Program «and the Khoya association to organize a screening of the film ‘The last flight of Petr Ginz’ and a debate with the students of the Hebrew School of Casablanca. Mimouna Association also organized, in partnership with the American Legation of Tangier, a conference called «Tangier during the second world war, a Heaven For Jewish refugees. «
In December 2014, The Founding President of Mimouna visited the concentration camps of Auschwitz and some Holocaust museums in Poland. The President also had the opportunity to meet with the young leaders of Jewish community of Krakow and Warsaw.